Secret Diary

First Ever Daring Girls Political Cartoon

Posted by Miriam

The Daring Book for Girls meets political cartoonist R.J. Matson, and the result has us laughing out loud. We have been asked, as might be expected given the book’s chapter on Modern Women Leaders, about our thoughts on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s candidacy, and I must say, Matson’s cartoon bests any response we might give!

One serious point, however, has to do with the Power Husbands: Where to Find One/ How to Keep Him quip.

The Daring Book for Girls believes that any woman who runs for office shows a great deal of daring, and we believe that’s true no matter her political party or her platform. We also look forward to the day that a woman can run for president without having been married to a former US President, or a former Senator (we’re thinking here of Elizabeth Dole’s run for president), or to any man with power. That day has got to be coming when a woman doesn’t need a power husband to get in the running for high elected office, and when it does, The Daring Book for Girls is hosting the party to celebrate.

In the meantime, let’s keep showing our daughters that list of Women Leaders, because community and public service are important, and all our girls and our boys need to grow up thinking that the highest posts in the nation might be open to them, too.

Modern Women Leaders, p. 179.