Secret Diary

How to Escape Quicksand (and More Free Double-Darings)

Posted by Miriam

The website Smart Girls Know is sponsoring a Double-Daring book giveway. Just leave a comment with your definition of what it means to be daring, do it by Tuesday April 21st, and you’re in the running.

Daring escape for the day, from “The Double-Daring Girl’s Guide to Getting Out of Trouble”:

8. Quicksand. In horror movies, one step and you are sucked forever into a milky morass. The good news is that most quicksand pits don’t look anything like the movies, nor are they as deadly. Your body is less dense than quicksand, which means that you can float in it. Relax (well, try to relax). Use slow, small motions to get on your back. Once you’re floating, move yourself slowly to the edge of the pit and carefully hoist yourself onto firmer ground. In the movies and especially in the cartoons, there’s a low-hanging branch for you to grab and pull yourself out. In real life, make the best with whatever’s nearby.