Secret Diary

Five Days to Go!

Posted by Miriam

In five days the Daring Book for Girls will be in bookstores everywhere. In many large bookstores, it will be right up front, in a special display. Next Tuesday!

Meanwhile, we’re still busy writing blog posts everywhere, talking with reporters, and in all ways getting ready for the launch.

To come: a way to download the Daring Girls Anthem. The anthem’s music, lyrics and production are by Seattle filmmaker Brady Hall, and the anthem is sung by the glorious Taryn Webber. Taryn’s a  grown-up Daring Girl. When she was five, she knew she wanted to be a musician. She followed her passions, and voila, here she is, a vocalist, cellist and music teacher. To learn more about her, go to

I asked Brady for some backstory on the lyrics, and his first response was that he “just pulled them out of nowhere really quickly. ” I think that’s a good description of the creative process: sometimes you struggle over each word, and then when you least expect, the words turn out like magic. On further reflection, here’s what he had to say:

“When coming up with the lyrics I really wanted to express the spirit of the book which is that girls can have just as much fun, adventure and excitement in their lives as boys. Society always wants to pigeonhole little girls into playing with dolls and having tea parties but from my childhood experience and observing kids I know, girls are just as interested in mucking it up in the woods and running around as boys. So I really tried to make the song a reflection of that excitement and good hearted competition with boys for a fair share of excitement and thrills.”